Friday Favorites

Reliving a week of highlights always makes a hard day better! Count your blessings, write down your “gratefuls”, celebrate your wins and thank God for it all:)

The true chaos of supper prep with 2 under 3:) Just thankful that Philip took on the heavy lifting on this night!

I turned 29 last week. Birthdays used to be picking out a restaurant and getting dressed up to go out and eat. These days, it’s picking your favorite comfort food and having an evening at home and it’s the best!

Also, how amazing is this wrapping job? Momma always makes gift giving so special for us! and the perfect tags were made by Kayla:)

My mom made my favorites. Chicken Spaghetti and Greek Bread and my mother-in-law made an amazing salad!

We had dinner outside and a fire for s’mores!

Which are a favorite for Landry Girl:)

We had Homecoming in our town recently and gosh, Landry LOVES a parade. This is the first one that she was big enough to actually get into and she was the BEST candy picker-upper:)

My little DeQuincy Tiger and her Lovie:)

She was VERY protective of this candy bag. hahaha Logan went too, but it was a little too hot and a little too loud for her…I can’t wait for them to both have bags full! :)

I am so excited about our upcoming field trip!! For the last couple of years, we haven’t been able to have our Veterans Program because of Covid. This year, we contacted our local Boy Scout camp and asked if we could have it there and then make a field trip out of it! They were thrilled with the idea! I can’t wait!

Fun fact. The camp is about three miles from my house and it’s where we got married:)

One of Philip’s favorite meals is his mom’s meatballs and gravy. Every single time I’ve asked Mrs. Sue for a recipe, she rolls through it with phrases like “then just look at it” “maybe add some”… So I finally asked for an actual real life recipe hahaha and even though it took some back and forth for even MORE detail, it turned out SO WELL! I was amazed! Philip was so excited!


I love these snuggly girls!

Sweet times at Mawmaw’s Cottage:)

and the BEST beepbeep Jeep rides! Speaking of the beepbeep Jeep…

When Philip Menou caught wind of our absolutely terrible weekly meeting informing us that we would be cut from three free planning periods a week to one….. What did he do? He came up and swapped vehicles with me so that I could drive the Jeep home on this beautiful day! and it WORKED:)

Any other teachers out there reduced to 45 minutes a week to run their classroom?? Please say no, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone!

Hey way to turn a negative into a favorite Philip;)

Today is going to be a fun day in Room 504! I hope everyone has a great Friday!

Seasonally yours,


Let’s Look!


Friday Favorites!